Thursday, March 5, 2020

How LOI English got Started

How LOI English got Started Over the weekend I was doing a bit of nesting (definition here). Unpacking some old boxes and I came across this gem. It is LOI Englishs original scheduling system! Its amazing how far weve come in 6 years and how much weve learned along the way.This was my original schedule, from 2010. In late 2009 LOI built its first website and began offering classes. I was the only teacher, and by spring 2010 I had my first group of students. I  lived in Buenos Aires at the time, and I was also teaching classes in person around the city. The classes highlighted in yellow were my Skype classes. I still teach one of these students today!I think one of the things that makes LOI English unique was that it started by  me, a teacher. Not a programmer, not a businessman, not an investment company, but a teacher. I think the quality of our classes and our current teachers reflects this important difference. The truth is that I didnt intend to build an online language school and Im not a very techie perso n. I saw there was a need for English teachers around the world,  and realized I  could connect with students by Skype to give personalized high-quality classes. Thankfully, Ive been able to work with some really great people as weve built LOI English, including all of the great teachers, our software developer, our curriculum designer, financial consultant and Paul, who wears many hats (definition here).We love to hear from our students about how we can improve our classes even more. If you have any suggestions please write.

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